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PHIA Practice Notes and Guidelines

Practice notes and guidelines are prepared by Manitoba Ombudsman to assist persons using the legislation. They are intended as advice only and are not a substitute for the legislation.

*PLEASE NOTE* We are currently updating our practice note series to reflect PHIA amendments that came into effect on January 1, 2022. Updated practice notes below will contain a revision date of 2022. Please use older practice notes in conjunction with PHIA as some provisions may have changed.

Available in alternate formats upon request.

Duty to Assist

Legislative Amendments

Distinguishing Between Access to Information Requests and Authorized Disclosures

Refusal of Access Considerations

Complete Responses to Access Requests

Requests for Correction

Collection and Notice



What To Do When A Privacy Breach Occurs

Responding to Access Complaints to the Ombudsman

Responding to Privacy Complaints to the Ombudsman

Ombudsman Recommendations

Protecting Personal Health Information
