
  • Federal, Provincial, and Territorial Information Regulators Unite in Resolution to Enhance Access to Government Information

    Oct 4, 2023

    Federal, provincial and territorial Information Commissioners and Ombudspersons, signed a joint resolution today aimed at reinforcing the public's right to access government-held information.

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  • Ombudsman releases status update on Manitoba Families’ implementation of CDS privacy breach audit recommendations

    Sep 1, 2023

    Manitoba Families. Follow-up on the status of the department’s implementation of nine privacy breach recommendations identified in Manitoba Ombudsman’s April 2021 Children’s disAbility Services (CDS) systemic investigation. The investigation concerned a privacy breach where the personal health information of 8,900 CDS service recipients was unintentionally disclosed. Our office determined that Families has fully implemented seven of nine recommendations, and needs to take further actions on two recommendations.

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  • Manitoba Ombudsman releases findings of the Manitoba immunization card initiative’s compliance with the PHIA

    Aug 30, 2023

    Manitoba Ombudsman has released its report on the privacy implications of the Manitoba immunization card launched in June 2021, in which Manitobans could request an immunization card to be used as proof they were fully vaccinated against COVID-19

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Your Information Rights Under FIPPA (2022)

FIPPA guide cover















  • Our Winnipeg office is now located at 300 - 5 Donald Street.

    Click here for contact information.

  • About the Office

    Mission and goals, meet the ombudsman, history, contact information and more.

  • Access and Privacy Division

    This division is responsible for upholding access to information and privacy rights by investigating complaints and reviewing compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA).

  • Ombudsman Division

    This division promotes fairness and administrative accountability through investigation of complaints relating to matters of administration under the Ombudsman Act and disclosures of wrongdoing under the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act.

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