Meet the Ombudsman
Perron was sworn in as Manitoba’s Ombudsman on May 28, 2019. Prior
to this appointment, she was the assistant deputy minister in
Manitoba Families where she provided executive leadership to the
Child and Youth Services Division and served as the director of
child and family services and was a board member of the Manitoba
Housing Renewal Corporation. Previously, she served as the acting
assistant deputy minister of Manitoba Housing and Community
Development, where she led the development of policy and strategic
initiatives working in collaboration with federal and municipal
governments, diverse local communities and their residents.
Jill has over 24 years of experience in public service, eight of which were spent in the Office of the Children’s Advocate (now the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth) and Manitoba Ombudsman, dedicated to promoting good governance, quality service and the rights of citizens.
Jill holds a master of public administration degree from the University of Winnipeg, as well as a bachelor of social work degree and a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Manitoba.
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